Determination of Water Pressures & Net Water Pressure Actions in DeepEX (Conventional Limit Equilibrium Analysis)
The software program offers two possibilities for determining water actions on a wall when EC7 is employed. In the current approach, the actual water pressures or water levels are not modified.
Option 1 (Default): Net water pressure method
In the default option, the program determines the net water pressures on the wall. Subsequently, the net water pressures are multiplied by F_WaterDR and then the net water pressures are applied on the beam action. The net water pressure results are then stored for reference checks. Hence, this method can be outlined with the following equation:
Wnet = (Wdrive-Wresist) x F_WaterDR
Option 2: Water pressures multiplied on driving and resisting sides (This Option is not yet enabled.)
In this option, the program first determines initial net water pressures on the wall. Subsequently, the net water pressures are determined by multiplying the driving water pressures by F_WaterDR and by multiplying the resisting water pressures. The net water pressure results are then stored for reference checks. Hence, this method can be outlined with the following equation:
Wnet= Wdrive x F_WaterDR - Wresist x F_WaterRES
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