Safety Parameters for Ultimate Limit State Combinations
Table 1 lists all safety factors that are used in the new software and also provides the used safety factors according to EC7-2008. The last 4 table columns list the code safety factors for each code case/scenario (i.e. in the first row Case 1 refers to M1, Case 2 refers to M2). Table 2 lists the same factors for the Italian code NTC08, while tables 3, 4, and 5 list the safety factors for the Greek, the French, and the German codes respectively. Last, table 2.6 presents the load combinations employed by AASHTO LRFD 5th edition (2010). AASHTO slightly differs from European standards in that soil strength is not factored.
Table 1: List of safety factors for strength design approach according to Eurocode 7
Table 2: List of safety factors for strength design approach according to Italian NTC 2008 code
Note: F_Wall is not defined in EC7. These parameters can be used in an LRFD approach consistent with USA codes.
Table 3: List of safety factors for strength design approach Greek design code 2007
Note: For slope stability the design approach is equivalent to EQU
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Table 4: Partial safety factors for strength design approach with French codes XP240 and XP220
Note: French code standards are particularly important for soil nailing walls.
Table 5: Partial safety factors for strength design approach with German DIN 2005
Note: 1. Case 5, 6, and 7 are only used in slope stability analysis in conjunction with cases 1, 2, and 3 respectively.
2. At-rest earth pressure factor is used in multiplying earth pressures only in limit equilibrium analyses.
Table 6: Partial safety factors for strength design approach with AASHTO LRFD 5th edition 2010
Note: 1. AASHTO recommends that slope stability analysis is performed only with the Service I combination.
2. At-rest and active earth pressure factors are used in multiplying earth pressures only in limit equilibrium analyses when the user has selected a relevant method.
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