SnailPlus 2021 Slope Stability Analysis and Soil Nail Walls Design Software
SnailPlus is our soil nail analysis software. While soil nailing is also available in our DeepEX software program, SnailPlus was created to bring all the necessary capabilities into one package. SnailPlus 2021 is the latest version of our soil nail walls design software, following SnailPlus 2020, 2019, 2018 and 2017 versions.
The software follows the FHWA methodology for the design of soil nail walls, in an interactive environment built on the DeepEX basic layout. This means that you can include all intermediate construction stages for your soil nail wall, include 3D loads, all in an interactive environment. Last, SnailPlus is the only software that produces a full printable report of all design calculations.
Who uses Snail-Plus?
Many companies including deparments of transportation such as Texas DOT, WASH-DOT, GZA, Hayward Baker, ESC Limited, D'Appolonia, Berkel Construction, and more!
Main Software Characteristics
SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS AND SOIL NAILING METHODS SnailPlus global stability of slope surfaces (simple or reinforced with soil nails). SnailPlus can calculate and report the most critical slope surface and the slope stability safety factor with the use of several scientific methods. Soil nails can be used in the slope surfaces. SnailPlus calculates the effects of the soil nails to the slope stability analysis.
MULTIPLE SLOPE SURFACE SEARCH OPTIONS SnailPlus can locate and report the most critical slope surface using various slope surface search methods:
MODEL WIZARD - CREATE A MODEL IN MINUTES SnailPlus Model Wizard can be used to create any sloped surface with all construction stages, excavations and soil nail and facing installation in minutes. We can use the Wizard tabs to define all project parameters (sloped surface parameters, soil nail - head plates and shotcrete structural sections, stage options and design standards). The Wizard creates the model automatically, saving us a lot of time and effort for the initial creation. |
SOIL PROPERTIES - SPT RECORDS - CPT LOGS The soil types, soil properties and stratigraphies can be easily defined in SnailPlus through user-friendly dialogs. In SnailPlus we can create an unlimited list of soils and define all soil properties quickly. The software provides several estimation tools (SPT Estimator and partial estimation tools for each property using scientific methods and equations). In SnailPlus we can add directly SPT Records and CPT Logs, which can be used from the software to estimate various soil properties.
SnailPlus Demo
Slope stability analysis and soil nail walls design software.
Try the Full version for free and see how you can design soil nail walls with shotcrete facings!
Starting at
$ 1450
The DEMO version is an older software version with limitations. In order to review the full latest version, we can always arrange a FREE online presentation!
INTERACTIVE INTERFACE SnailPlus is an extremely user-friendly software, which offers an interactive model interface. In the model area we can create all the stages stages and define all project parameters (external loads, soil nail sections, shotcrete section etc.) graphically. All items on the model area (boring, soil nails, facing) can be accessed and their properties can be defined through user-friendly dialogs. |
DESIGN CODES AND SPECIFICATIONS SnailPlus has implemented various different standards and specifications for the soil nails and shotcrete facing design. In SnailPlus we can select ACI and FHWA specifications for the structural design. In the software we can either use Service Limit State or Ultimate Limit State methods.
EXPORT REPORTS IN PDF AND MS WORD SnailPlus can generate extensive reports for all examined design sections and construction stages. The reports in SnailPlus are totally customizable - the end user can always select all the report sections included in the final report. SnailPlus reports can include tables and graphs with all examined model properties and calculated results. We can also choose to include to the report all structural design equations and calculation procedure. The SnaiPlus reports can be previewed, exported to PDF or exported to Word format, so they can be further edited by the user.
Training Video: Slope Stability Analysis Methods and Failure Surface Search Options
Interested in Soil Nail Walls Design?
Book a FREE online presentation now!
SnailPlus - All software capabilities
Interactive environment | Automatic failure search methods | Full list of calculations and equations |
Include all stages | Circular failure search | FHWA design standards |
Model wizard | Circular+Active and Passive wedge analysis | LRFD WSDOT 2019 (GDM) |
Include all design sections of the excavation into one file | Block type analysis | Two stage facing available |
Groundwater and flownet modeling | User defined failure surface analysis | Shotcrete facing analysis |
3D loads and other surcharge effects | Trilinear surface search methods | Head plate checks |
AASHTO and EC7 Load Combinations | Morgenstern Price, Spencer, Bishop analysis methods. | Export reports to PDF and Word. |
New features in 2018 version
- Improved control and report for temporary facing conditions (single layer)
- Improved earth pressure calculations for irregular surface conditions
- 30% faster calculations!
New features in 2017 version
- Available shear analysis method, - FHWA LRFD methods for shotcrete, - Improved output reports
Soil nail analysis with SnailPlus
Soil nail wall excavation in Pennsylvania difigned with SnailPlus
Video Example: Stepped Soil Nail Walls
Soil Nail Wall Example - Automatic Slope Search Method
Soil Nail Wall Example - Circular Slope Method
SnailPlus Demo
Slope stability analysis and soil nail walls design software.
Try the Full version for free and see how you can design soil nail walls with shotcrete facings!
Starting at
$ 1450
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